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    Nose wheel steering manifold electrically connected.

     Work continued this week:  ZD252 (G-NCKZ):  Work Ongoing this month:  XD252 (G-NCKZ): 

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    Hydraulic pump mounts fitted to MRGB

    Work continued this week:  ZD252 (G-NCKZ):  Work Ongoing this month:  XD252 (G-NCKZ):  Seized windscreen gearbox being cleaned and inspected to try and return to serviceable condition 

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    AGS inspected, batched and logged

    Work continued this week:  ZD252 (G-NCKZ):  Various newly arrived components and AGS inspected, batched and logged.  Port collector tank low level float switch tested, found satis.  New ring tags fitted to port collector tank low level float switch and float […]

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    Newly arrived blades from Everett’s unloaded

    Work continued this week: XZ179: • Newly arrived blades from Everett’s unloaded • Blades cleaned and inspected externally, potentially serviceable blades put to one side • Anti node weights removed from potentially serviceable blades, cleaned, inspected, refitted and re-sealed. XZ678: […]

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    Lynx XZ179 in the air again

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    Lynx XZ179 takes to the air

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    Aircraft prepared for ground runs and flight testing

    Work continued this week: XZ179: • Aircraft prepared for ground runs and flight testing. • Main Rotor Gearbox flushed and filled. • Aircraft ground run for leak checking of No.2 ECU Throttle Control Valve and Main Rotor Gearbox sump plug […]

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    Post first flight inspections continued

    Work continued this week: XZ179: • Post first flight inspections continued • Hydraulic Cooling Fan failure investigated – fan found U/S • Investigate failed magnetic indicators and replace as required, one found to require new pin. • Investigate AFCS Yaw […]

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    First Two Hovers Carried Out Successfully

     Work continued this week:  XZ179:  Ground runs carried out for tracking of main and tail rotor blades  Lateral vibration and blade track corrected to allow hover tests  First two hovers carried out successfully  Investigating hydraulic cooling fan fault  Post first […]

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    Starboard rear traveller wheels stripped and resealed

    Work continued this week: XZ179: • Investigating adaptors required for comp wash coupling to comp wash rig • Fault finding faulty mag indicators • Starboard rear traveller wheels stripped and resealed • Investigating fuel indication functional check and carrying out […]

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    Prepping aircraft for ground runs

    Work continued this week: XZ179: • Prepping aircraft for ground runs • Fitting tracking equipment • Ground tracking runs carried out • Tail rotor balancing within limits • Main blade tracking moving towards being within limits nicely • AC line […]

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    Aircraft weighed

    Work continued this week:  XZ179:  No.2 AC control and protection unit replaced after fault found on ground run.  Aircraft prepped for weighing. Basic fit determined and role equipment gathered to be weighed for fit as required.  Aircraft defueled to minimum […]

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