
Hydraulic pump mounts fitted to MRGB

Work continued this week: 

ZD252 (G-NCKZ): 

  • No. 1 and 2 hydraulic pump mounts fitted to MRGB with new seals 
  • No. 1 and 2 hydraulic pumps fitted to MRGB and most pipe work for pumps connected to pumps in preparation for fit to aircraft when ready. 
  • Nose wheel steer manifold fitted to aircraft – electrical connections to be made 
  • Set up of windscreen wiper system started – one gearbox found seized and is being inspected to see if it is salvageable. 
  • Cockpit pitot, static and engine instruments started to be refitted as required – to be continued post wiper system 

Work Ongoing this month: 

XD252 (G-NCKZ): 

  • Electrically connect nose wheel steer manifold 
  • Finish commissioning windscreen wiper system 
  • Find last few pipes to connect to hydraulic pumps 
  • Bay service undercarriage legs and fill with nitrogen in prep for refitting 

Seized windscreen gearbox being cleaned and inspected to try and return to serviceable condition 

twentytwopl 30 October 2023 Uncategorised

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