
Tail Rotor Gearbox Fit

Work started this week:

• MOD 0821 fuel pipe fit completed

• Tail rotor gearbox fit started

• Intermediate tail rotor gearbox fitted

• Intermediate gearbox cooling fan installed

• Torque adaptor for IGB fan made

• Pilots seats inspected for serviceability and missing parts

• Hydraulic reservoirs refitted – pipe work refit started

• MRGB oil coolers removed and packed up to be sent away for overhaul.

Work to be started next week:

• Finish refitting hydraulic system piping

• Finish refitting IGB and TRGB.

• Fit No.5 drive shaft

• Fit new bonding leads to fuel system

• Start survey of engine bays

• Finish transportation joint

twentytwopl 9 April 2020 Uncategorised

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