
Paperwork gone through prior to CAA visit

Work continued this week:


• Doppler radar removed, inspected, resealed, refitted and tested

• Paperwork gone through prior to CAA visit

• Airworthy blades cleaned and inspected

• Airworthy main rotor blades fitted in preparation for ground runs


• Airframe survey completed

• Forward and starboard collector tank sumps removed, stripped and cleaned – collector tank sump still to be rebuilt and fitted.

• Transfer pumps removed from donor sump and fitted to forward tank sump

Work to be continued next week:


• Continue investigation of No.1 torquemeter system fault.

• Replace rubber trim tabs on main rotor blades

• De-inhibit No.2 ECU fuel system

• Check/charge main rotor head dampers

• Check/recharge accumulators

• Check/refill hydraulic systems

• General inspection of aircraft prior to first head turning ground run


• Continue stripping and rebuilding fuel tanks/sumps

twentytwopl 15 November 2021 Uncategorised

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