
Engine Bay Work

Work started this week:

• No.1 engine bay stripped and cleaned, inspections started
• No.2 engine bay stripped and cleaned, new speed tape fitted and inspections started
• ECU and ECU bay MOD states researched to bring to correct level
• Fire extinguisher pipes removed, flushed and refitted
• No.5 tail rotor drive shaft trial fitted
• Extensive research into how to refit all drive shafts carried out and plan changed – MRGB will now be fitted first and adjustments to shims on all drive shafts made
• MRGB started to be dressed with all required components

Work to be started next week:

• Continue dressing MRGB
• Finish cleaning ECU bays
• Clean completed fuel tanks and seal covers

twentytwopl 1 May 2020 Uncategorised

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