
AFCS system BITE checks started.

Work continued this week:

• AFCS system BITE checks started.

• Rigging of position indicators for fore and aft and lateral controls started.

• Split pinning of control system finished.

• Duplicate inspections of flying controls carried out.

• Research into operation of ASE and AFCS systems carried out after ASE failed BITE checks.

• ASE and AFCS systems switched on for position indicator rigging and setup.

• Pilots seats inspected and serviced. Service bulletin IGQSB033 carried out.

• MOD’s research continued.

• Intercom and radio systems tested – fault found with P1 intercom system. Research and fault finding started.

• Cockpit panels fitted.

Work to be continued next week:

• Continue rewire of transponder hexadecimal coding

• Fault find radio/intercom.

• Continue MODs research.

• Continue with SEM research.

• Start SRIM research.

• Fault find ASE/AFCS system

twentytwopl 22 January 2021 Uncategorised

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